Just one more month of 2020! Are we the only ones counting down the days until the start of the new year and the end of this one?!
Thanksgiving was a good reminder to pause and turn our hearts away from complaining about covid, and instead, notice how kind the Lord has been. Even through frustrations and grief, He has remained constant, never leaving us or forsaking us, loving us as only He can.
Can you believe the weather is cooler and the holidays are right around the corner? It’s been a strange year, but we hope that it has been a fruitful one for you as God has continued to draw you closer to Him, no matter what has come your way and no matter what you may be fearing today.
Is it still 2020?! Hope you are hanging in there! Actually, we pray you are thriving by the power of the Holy Spirit working in you, even in the craziness of this year.
Here at Women & Work, this August we finished our Summer Series with Donna Gaines, pastor’s wife, author, and founder of ARISE2Read, and we’re looking forward to starting our Fall Book Club soon!
It’s been another month for the history books. Pandemic, national unrest, and start dates for fall semesters that are shaky at best. BUT GOD…